Thursday, March 20, 2014


During High school.  Polynesian men were always a GREAT eye candy!  My friend said that there are a lot of Polynesian men in New Zealand! So that is one reason why I NEED to visit New Zealand :)
My friend showed me a picture of a player for a New Zealand Rugby Team and  his name is Sonny Bill Williams...HOTNESS... That's all I have to say....
Another plus is, people in New Zealand have an ACCENT! <OM....G> Their New Zealand English is similar to Australian English! Beautiful....
Also the Maori language and culture is a big important part of New Zealand.
Other than the people!
New Zealand has a lot of exciting things to do for fun!!
There's Skydiving! I bet the view is GREAT! I've done skydiving in Hawaii! It was alright.. Its good that I did it! Instead of running away... But I swore I'll never go skydiving again...O.O   But the view was also GREAT in Hawaii.
There is also Bungee Jumping! AND! Sky Jump or Walk! That is where you walk or jump off the Sky Tower in Auckland, New Zealand! Pretty intense! But that's next on my bucket list!
Lets hope that its less scary than skydiving...

                                   Auckland, New Zealand
                                         <Sky Tower view>
 Sonny Bill Williams

                                        Sky Jump and Sky Walk

Bungee Jump


  1. One day, i would like to visit and travel to New zealand! Thanks for giving us good information all the time!

  2. I was planning to go skydiving last week but it got canceled due to the weather...
    Those pictures are so interesting to see!
    looking forward to see your next post!

  3. OMG New Zealand boys! OMG ;P They are just to die for right?!! Me and my best friend are taking a trip to Auckland during the summer for the first time, I'm super excited xD
