Wednesday, February 26, 2014



So I wanted to share the beautiful place where I call home. OAHU, HAWAII!

I am born and raised in Oahu and I love it here!  Well for most locals we think that its boring and we really want to get off this rock.  It is some what true.  But there is no place that I have visited that has fresh air like Hawaii does.  The weather is also consistent.  There are some times where its super hot but the winds helps us cool down.  And for the cold weathers... I don't know about you but I LOVE the cold weathers! It just rains and with those cold breezes.  Its the best when your at home and just cuddle up in your blanket and watch a movie.  
A couple activities I love to do in Oahu is
- BEACH <Of Course> Absolutely love LANIKAI BEACH its probably the prettiest beach in Oahu... Well to me it is :) 
- HIKING I try to hike everywhere.  One of the hikes I always try to make my friends go is the Willi Willi Nui Hike.  The main reason I try to make my friends go is because it is a challenging hike and I want to see them cry.  Like I did when I first went on this hike. -.- Other wise, its a really FUN HIKE. 
- FOOD 20 years of my life on Oahu, I have discovered really good food places.  There is one place! THE BEST PANCAKE! and OMELET! Its called BOOTS & KIMO'S!!!! <OM...G...> Its so good! but the wait is about 30 min - 1 hour wait... And it closes at 2 :(  ANYWAYS who cares! IT SO GOOD.... OH! and can't forget SHRIMP! Giovanni Shrimp Truck! MUST! there are two of them.  The one that everyone goes to is the ALOHA GIOVANNI SHRIMP TRUCK which is in Kahuku.  And there's another one the GIOVANNI SHRIMP TRUCK, that one is in Haleiwa.  Their both the SAME THING. Taste and everything is the same so either one is good.  
I think everyone in the WORLD! should come visit Hawaii.  It doesn't have to be Oahu but if your a city person I think Oahu would be the best.  The other island are just as GREAT! Its actually better!  They are very country and just a great place to just relax in peace. When you visit Hawaii and discover any interesting new things! LET ME KNOW! I know Hawaii has so much more to offer! :)